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Investigating Font Redraw Issue
Identifying that the new WordPress Font Library can cause Google fonts to be re-drawn on page load because it uses font-display: fallback; rather than font-display: block; on
Reporting Error Notice in WordPress Plugin
Reporting a PHP error notice in WP Extended Search.
Developing WordPress Maintenance Plugin
Added a button to show Cloudflare security levels and paved the way for automatic WordPress service notifications on WordPress Maintenance plugin.
Setup WordPress on GoDaddy
Install and configure WordPress on GoDaddy … not impressed, every third request fails!
Debug CSS Margin Issue
Debugging and resolving issue with missing margins caused by a WP Bakery update on
Conquest Friends WordPress Service
WordPress service for
Techcard WordPress Service
WordPress service for
Running Plugin Updates
Running plugin updates to patch known vulnerabilities on
Developing for Type Event
Developing a PHP function to return an Event rich snippet to include venue and performer properties on
Pippa Deeley Auctions WordPress Service
WordPress service for
Removing WP Bakery Shortcodes
After migrating to Gutenberg editor, batch removal of all Visual Composer / WP Bakery shortcodes from WooCommerce products using MySQL for
Identifying and Removing Hacker’s Code
Removing injected cloaked plugin from WordPress site.