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Replace Legacy Widget and Install Memcached
Today we replaced a legacy search widget with its block based counterpart on Hertfordshire alumni society website. Legacy widgets cause a documented bug in WordPress core that breaks the admin…
Updating Invoice Search Facility in WP Accounts Plugin
Updated invoice search facility to show expenses, profit and totals on our WP Accounts plugin.
Upgrading WordPress Maintenance Plugin
Updated scanner URL, added server IP whitelisting to Cloudflare Auto Protect and removed table prefixes from Orphaned Meta Data reporting on our WordPress Maintenance plugin.
Diagnose Database Connection Issue
Analyse WordPress / MySQL database setup to ascertain the cause of “Error establishing a database connection” error on
Removing WP Bakery Shortcodes
After migrating to Gutenberg editor, batch removal of all Visual Composer / WP Bakery shortcodes from WooCommerce products using MySQL for
WordPress Speed and Security Updates
Running various updates to enhance security and optimise page load speed on